Masked Forces: Zombie Survival

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Masked Forces: Zombie Survival



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Pizza maker cooking and baking games for kids

Pizza maker cooking and baking games for kids

Making Pizza has never been more fun! Pizza Maker cooking games introduce the world of cooking, baking, and Pizza making to young kids. Enjoy the entire cooking and baking process of Pizza making by adding the ingredients for the dough and rolling it out, cutting vegetables and cooking the sauce, adding a huge variety of toppings, and baking it in the oven. The game is designed for kindergarten and preschool children and is suitable for young boys and girls to be able to play on their own, without the support of adults. Pizza Maker cooking games is brought to you by Pazu Games Ltd, the publisher of popular kids games like Girls Hair Salon, Girls Makeup Salon, Animal Doctor, and others, that are trusted by millions of parents worldwide. Pazu games for kids are designed especially for children under the age of 10. It offers fun educational games for girls and boys to enjoy and experience. Make a delicious pizza, bake it in the oven and have a lot of fun slicing it! Create your own delicious pizza and make this a mouth-watering experience. Unleash your creativity - choose from a huge selection of ingredients and create the kind of pizza you like. When the pizza looks just the way you want, it’s time to bake it. Put it in the oven and watch it as the crust becomes brown, see how the cheese melts and all other ingredients cook to perfection. When the pizza is done, serve it on a plate and eat it. Delicious! You can also enjoy playing with toys, or take up the challenge of a pizza ninja slice, or play a slide puzzle mini-game.

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Masked Forces: Zombie Survival - Зіграти В Безкоштовну Онлайн-Гру -

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